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报告时间 2021年9月16日(周四)15:00 报告地点 腾讯会议ID: 767927656
报告人 吕克宁

报告题目:Statistical Properties of 2D stochastic Navier-Stokes Equations with time-periodic forcing and degenerate stochastic forcing

报告人:Brigham Young University 吕克宁 教授



腾讯会议ID: 767927656

报告人简介:吕克宁,现任美国杨百翰大学教授,从事无穷维动力系统的研究。2005年获中国国家杰出青年科学基金(B类),研究成果发表在Inventiones Mathemmaticae,Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics,Memoir of the American Mathematical Society,Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis,Transactions of the American Mathematical Society等期刊上。现任 Journal of Differential Equations 共同主编。

报告摘要: We consider the incompressible 2D Navier-Stokes equations with periodic boundary conditions driven by a deterministic time periodic forcing and a degenerate stochastic forcing. We show that the system possesses a unique ergodic periodic invariant measure which is exponentially mixing under a Wasserstein metric. We also prove the weak law of large numbers for the continuous time inhomogeneous solution process. In addition, we obtain the weak law of large numbers and central limit theorem by restricting the inhomogeneous solution process to periodic times.

上一篇:Title 1: Data-driven approaches to improve human machine interaction with automated driving systems

下一篇:Some progresses in Carleman estimates and their applications in inverse problems of stochastic partial differential equations
